Jayney's Blog


My Super Anti-ageing Smoothie recipe of the day to rewind your body-clock.

Let’s lengthen those telomeres! 

Fresh or frozen berries – your choice . . I just found red gooseberries in the farmers market and they are so sweet and delicious (maybe too exotic for a smoothie – we shall see).  Berries should be organic as they tend to be highly contaminated with pesticides etc.  See my article on “The Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen” for more info about this.

Spinach – pro tip – I always keep a stash of frozen organic spinach in the freezer – just in case of emergencies – who among us has not had a spinach emergency?

Bananas – organic is ideal

Flaxseed – remember to keep your nuts and seeds in the fridge – they contain delicate oils that can go rancid, even at room temperature – and this rancid oil is highly toxic – so beware!  Note – if you are using a high speed blender flax seed is fine to use – however, if you are just using an ordinary kitchen blender, ground flax seed is a bit easier.

Coconut water – you can buy this pretty easily now – but if you don’t have it then just use water or a nut mylk – your choice.

Ice cubes – if you like them and you want your smoothie to be chilly.  Ice cubes will tend to thicken your smoothie – which can be helpful.

Whizz up and enjoy!

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