Jayney's Blog

21 Day Rewind Challenge calendar

Week One

The main theme of this first week of the Rewind Challenge is to “let go” of anything that is no longer helping you move forward as you wish in life. This decluttering will be a way of creating space for more of the good things you want, sending yourself a strong message that this is a new beginning. Think of it like a deep spring-clean that will leave you refreshed, clearer about your future and feeling equipped to make age-rewind challenges to become healthier and more vibrant.

Note: If you smoke, now is the ideal time to stop! Even if you’ve struggled to do so in the past, please do try again in the spirit of this energy of letting go for a healthier, more vibrant future.

Week Two

Now that you’ve made room for more wonderful, life-enhancing goodness in your life by letting go in Week 1 of many of the things that no longer serve you – from harmful chemicals in the home, unhealthy foods and unwanted clothes to negative thoughts and negative people – it’s time to spend the next seven days focusing on what new positive qualities you want to bring into your life: foods, drink, thoughts, habits, activities, people, and all the rest. What will make you feel most youthful, dynamic, happy and vibrant, and therefore bring you the wellness benefits that will start to rewind your body clock?

Week Three

The focus this week is on consolidating and locking in your new-found positive habits and behaviours so that you can sustain them – and hopefully build on them, moving forward. After all, this 21 day challenge is only meant to be the start of your Rewind Journey, so it’s important that it really makes some fundemental differences to how you think, to how you approach things, to how you structure and fill your days and weeks – and, most importantly, to how you feel about yourself, as mindset is key!

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Kathleen Ann Lawson
Kathleen Ann Lawson
3 years ago

Thank you for week 2 Planner Jayney, I have thoroughly enjoyed the prompts for Week 1 and very proud of all i have achieved and been able to tick off, looking forward to the next Week of the Challenge.

Andy C
Andy C
3 years ago

These are great! Is there a calendar for Week 3 please?

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