Jayney's Blog

Big Sexy Hair

Old Wives Top Tales for Big Sexy Hair

Now that we are in spring – you might notice that you are starting to shed a little more hair than usual. Don’t be alarmed, this is a normal part of your hair’s life-cycle. However, if your hair loss is dramatic you should see your doctor, just to rule out any underlying health problems.  

By the age of 50, about half of women and 85% of men will experience some degree of hair loss. Because of this, there are loads of hair-loss prevention products on the market. The problem is that these are chemically-based and include substances that are known hormone disruptors (formaldehyde, parabens, oxybenzones, sodium lauryl (ether), sulphate (SLS, SLES), etc.). I personally avoid these, as substantial evidence shows that they are harmful. Instead, I call upon my array of handy home remedies, all of which really work. 

Jayney’s Top Hair Growth Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil has been shown to be effective for treating hair loss and even baldness associated with an excess of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a testosterone by-product which causes male pattern baldness. DHT also affects women – as we produce testosterone too. Rosemary is also effective for treating alopecia areata – and autoimmune disorder that causes bald patches.

The Research

A 2013 study of mice with testosterone-related hair loss found that rosemary oil could regrow their hair. Rosemary oil inhibits DHT from binding to hormone receptors that enable it to attack the hair follicles.

Another study in 2015 compared rosemary oil to minoxidil, a standard hair regrowth treatment. People with DHT-related hair loss received either rosemary oil or minoxidil for 6 months. By 6 months, both groups saw significant increases in hair growth.  Interestingly, the group that was treated with rosemary oil had more hair growth than the minoxidil group. Furthermore, the rosemary oil did not cause any of the side effects of minoxidil. 

In 2018, a scientific review demonstrated that rosemary oil also kills some fungi and bacteria. So, if hair loss is due to an infection or unhealthy scalp, rosemary oil might help. In a study of people with alopecia areata (spot baldness), 44% of participants improved with the use of rosemary over 7 months, compared to just 15% who received no treatment.

How to use Rosemary Oil

Caution: Always patch-test first!

I make my rosemary shampoo as follows: I add 10-12 drops of organic rosemary essential oil to a bottle of organic baby shampoo and use this to wash my hair.  There is some evidence to show that the longer the oil is in contact with your scalp, the more effective it is, so make an overnight hair treatment by adding a couple of drops of rosemary oil to a carrier oil (I prefer coconut for its super conditioning effect), mix it thoroughly and apply to hair and scalp and wash off in the morning.  

Jayney’s Top Veggie Solution to Hair-loss

Onion juice has been used for centuries to alleviate DHT-related hair loss, and it also regrows hair in people with alopecia areata – and, as an extra bonus, it conditions hair too. Researchers found that hair growth commenced after 2 weeks of using onion juice, which was applied to the scalp twice daily. Almost 74% of the participants had some hair regrowth after 4 weeks, and at 6 weeks about 87% experienced hair regrowth. 

How does onion juice work?
Nutrients, including bio-available sulphur in the onion juice, may nourish the hair follicles, which increases volume, shine, and improves hair strength. The extra nourishment may also reduce breakage and thinning. Furthermore, onion juice may also increase the duration of the growing phase of the hair.

If you are going to try this remedy, it is absolutely essential that you do a patch test first as it is possible to have a skin sensitivity to onion – even if you can eat it without any problems.

To make onion juice:

  • Peel about 4 onions and chop them into small pieces.
  • Extract the juice out of the onion by either squeezing or using a juicer.
  • Alternatively, blend the onion pieces into a paste. Place the paste in cheesecloth and squeeze all the juice out.
  • Apply the juice to the scalp.

A few drops of essential oil may also help decrease the potent odour of the juice. Peppermint, lavender, and rosemary essential oils can be good options to improve the smell. 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

I use an ACV rinse all the time – because it helps to maintain really glossy hair, keeps your scalp clear and stops itching. 

The reason why ACV makes your hair look so glossy and thick is because ACV’s natural acidity helps to smooth the hair cuticle. This, enables knots and tangles to slip right out and you don’t get frizz and breakage. ACV enables your hair to reflect light, which gives it a more glossy, healthy sheen.

Some dermatologists report that ACV’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties may combat the yeast and irritation that lead to the build-up of dead skin cells, flakes, and itching.

To make an ACV rinse, mix 4 tablespoons of ACV with half a litre of cool water in a bottle.

After shampooing and rinsing the hair, tip your head back and pour the mixture over your entire scalp. Leave it for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse it off thoroughly. Avoiding contact with your eyes is recommended as it might sting a little.

If you have any questions regarding holistic allergy treatments, please feel free to message me below or reach out on one of my platforms. I adore hearing from you.

All my love,

Jayney xoxo

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