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Jayney Goddard Website Reflection

A Moment of Reflection

As worldwide conflicts continue, and the bad news keeps filtering through to us, I wanted to extend my deepest condolences to those caught up amid these troubles. As such, a moment of reflection was born.

To try and ease the burden for my friends and followers around the world, I decided to run a group meditation session for peace. This session was hosted by myself via The Complementary Medical Association. It was a privilege and an honour to run this session, and I would like to take this opportunity to share some of the highlights with you!

The session opened with an encouraging welcome to each participant as we discussed where we were located. We opted to hold the meditation at 3:33pm for thirty-three minutes. This was a predetermined number that felt appropriate due to its significance and connotations. Three, and the variations of three are significant power numbers within spirituality, communication and healing. As such, it can empower us to strengthen one another. We then moved into the meditation element and pooled our energetic and spiritual resources together. From there, we began reintroducing it into the universe, hoping it would support those in need. Finally, we opted for silent meditation to allow each participant the creative freedom to conceptualise their healing energy however they saw fit.

The words that I chose to affirm before the reflection session are as follows:

May those who are sick heal
May those who are anxious find peace
May those who are in pain find relief
May those who have light to spread come forth
May those who have darkness in their hearts find love
May the light in me radiate out into the world and radiate to every being.

I am delighted that so many could join us for this spiritual experience. However, for those of you who were unable to join, I implore you to explore the benefits of meditation yourself. Feel free to use either my mantra or one of your own. It is a personal experience, and there is no right or wrong way to engage your core beliefs. I am currently exploring the idea of running future sessions like this, and I would be delighted for all to join these sessions; particularly those looking for a swift and peaceful resolution to all conflicts. Please feel free to follow The Complementary Medical Association’s social media platforms to stay updated with the latest sessions.

I wish you all a gorgeous and mindful week full of reflection. Please continue to think about those enduring hardships and treat one another with love and respect as each human deserves.

For more exclusive advice, visit my website, or reach out on one of my platforms. I adore hearing from you. 

Sending you all of my love and strength,

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