Jayney's Blog


Skin and External Beauty: Top Tips with Jayney!

To preface my blog’s tips and tricks portion, I wanted to state that my priority is your health. We all need to take the ‘lifestyle medicine’ approach– such as eating healthily, exercising, and getting your mindset right. This approach will help you be more resilient to stress, and life will actually ‘be’ a lot easier and will run far more smoothly. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with a bit of instant gratification. It is fun, and research has even found that a simple change such as a skin treatment or haircut sets a slew of healthy hormonal signals in motion. These hormone signals help rewind our body clock! 


My first tip is a simple one: Sleep on your back. This position prevents the formation of sleep wrinkles, those lines that form when your face is compressed against a pillow, night after night. These wrinkles develop in predictable locations based on fixed anchor points that attach your skin to bone. Sleeping on your back will also give you clearer, firmer skin and better back alignment. 

Get rid of your baggage!

Banish eye bags by cutting down your salt intake, drinking more water, and investigating your body’s reaction to certain food groups. The primary candidates for the cause of inflammation include wheat, dairy and alcohol, so I recommend exploring those first. For example, if I eat wheat, I get incredibly puffy around the eyes, and many of my patients tell me the same thing.

Puff up

Whilst we often look for ways to decrease puff around our eyes, many people like the appearance of puffed skin. This effect is desirable because it helps to smooth the visibility of lines. I recommend using a hyaluronic acid cream on your face to achieve this effect. Please note that HA is NOT a substitute for moisturiser or sunscreen – so you will need these too.  


Never underestimate the power of a correctly applied highlighter! Learning how to use it can make skin look healthily taut and glowing. I have found some excellent tutorials on YouTube.


To even out skin texture, always start with a primer. My skin type gets pretty oily, especially in my T-Zone, in hot weather. As a result, I find that a good primer helps makeup stay put on my skin. I find that this is particularly handy if I have to do photoshoots – or if I want to ensure I have a matte look for meetings.

Get your colour right

It can be hard to colour match if you have sunspots. If you are someone who frequently uses a base, tinted moisturiser, or another coloured skin formula, I suggest looking for a shade between the spots and the rest of your skin. Even if you’re sun spot-free, use warmer tones as these can make you look younger. My final tip is to skip the powder. It will amplify fine lines. Instead, if you’re very oily, powder your T-zone.

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2 years ago

I have noticed I have wrinkles on my left arm, as well as my face, from sleeping on that side, but if I sleep on my back I end up with a dry throat and start coughing in the night. However, I am trying to balance sleeping on the other side more.

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